Lets start by the Title Menu

Ok so first of all lets talk about what I've ready so I can bring y'all up to speed. I'm going to start with the title menu:

This is an image of the menu, lots of things need to be improved in the display but my focus was to make it functional as fast as possible. The selected option of this menu is the one and on selection a function is called. This menu is implemented as a finite state machine where the menu options are the states and the keyboard keys activate transitions; and these transition have functions attached.

When a key is pressed the menu option changes to another menu option (that can be the same as the first one). The transitions on this menu are press "down" to move to the option below, "up" to move to the option above and "z" to move to the same option and activate the option functionality.

Basically I used this complicated way to say "down" goes down, "up" goes up and when you select an option with "z" stuff happens. So why I did this to myself? The reason is because I can build any type of menu I want with this foundation.

For example lets take the Super Smash Bros Brawl Menu:

In this image we are in the "Group" option. The transitions for these option with what we mentioned would be "right" to go to the "Solo" option, "down" to go to the "Wifi" option and finally "2" go to the group menu (if we use a wii mote).  We can do that for all options and boom, we have a menu. That is just a small taste of the true power and versatility of finite states machines.

But you may be asking: "Isn't it too tedious to set manually all transitions of the menu of your game given that for all options 'up' is go up, 'down' is go down and 'z' activates the option's function?", "What about dynamic menues huh??". The answer to all of these questions is Builder Pattern.

The Builder Pattern is a code design pattern that helps us  create complex stuff step by step in code. In this case I made a builder class where the code looked something like this:

class TitleMenuBuilder{
function constructor(){
    // Create an empty array of menu states
    this.menu_states = []
// adds a new option to the menu
function addStateWithFunction(state_function, option_name){
    // Create a new menu state
    state = MenuState.new(option_name)
    // Create the activation transition
    state.addTransition(key = "z",
                        next_state = state,
                        transition_function = state_function
    // Creates the up and down transitions with the last state of the menu (null function is a function that
    // does nothing)
                        next_state = this.getLastState(),
                        transition_function = null_function
                                      next_state = state,
                                      transition_function = null_function
    // This last part is convention
    return this
// Returns the menu object
function getMenu(){
    return Menu.new(this.menu_states)

Using this baby creating the title menu was a piece of cake and was also used when creating the pause menu prototype:

Thats all for this post :D

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