The Overworld, this is a big one...

Ok this is less of a tech talk and more of a showcase of functionality. The overworld was the first big functionality of this game where I spent hours implementing collisions, interactuable objects, etc. To showcase this I'll just take you through a tour of my debug room:

This is my debug room, its small but I love it. Here all the black spaces correspond to walls you can not traverse. The character that is smiling to the camera can move in this room using the "up", "down", "left" and "right" buttons (the camera follows this character when they move). Also, using "z" while looking at the various objects in the room will make stuff happen.

For example when pressing "z" or "interacting" with the plants a small piece of dialog shows up:

The dialog is in spanish because that is my first language and I'm smarter in spanish than in english. Moving on, interacting with the excuse for a camera in the top right will display a cutscene about an orange; and interacting with the small orange at the bottom right will trigger the battle functionality (I'll talk about it in another post). Also you can exit the room going to the top of this room and it takes you to an even emptier room :O

Cool huh. Next I'll talk about the pause menu, which you can access from the overworld by pressing "p" (the "p" is for Pause #intuitive).

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