Slow Weeks Ahead

Hey there!

I wanted to talk a little bit about the situation of development. As you may know the situation of the world right now is complicated, with a pandemic going on and the police brutality exhibited in Black Lives Matter protests. To be clear I fully support BLM and I hope that all that's happening will lead to good changes in our society as a whole.

That being said, working on the game has been very hard as everything that has been happening have been very emotionally taxing. Adding to it all, the next few weeks will be extra hard as the deadline for my thesis is very close. Because of all of this the next weeks will be slow for the development of the game as I may be busy or too exhausted on the periods I have for developing this game.

That being said I have no plans of stopping the game's development. I really want to tell this story I've been creating for the last two years and I'll give it all I have so one day it sees the light of the day.

So stay strong, stay safe, have hope and never stop growing as a person!

Wishing you all the best. -tomyatemo

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